Publish date | 09 July 2019 |
Issue Number | 1789 |
Diary | Legalbrief eLaw |
Zimbabwean Qedindaba Arthur Dube – who pleaded guilty to several charges relating to the use of cloned bank cards – entered a plea agreement with the state and has been slapped with a five-year jail term. A Cape Argus report says Dube pleaded guilty in the Bellville Specialised Commercial Crime Court to one count in contravention of the Riotous Assemblies Act, five counts for contravention of section 86(3) of the Electronic Communications and Transaction Act and five counts in contravention of section 86(1) of the same Act, five counts of fraud, three counts of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act and one count in contravention of the Immigration Act. The total amount illegally and fraudulently withdrawn was R12 000. It was alleged that he fraudulently used cloned cards dating back to September 2017. The court also found that Dube’s visa expired in November 2015, was not renewed and hence he was in SA illegally in terms of the Immigration Act.